Cypress mulch is the recommended organic mulch by Beaches Lawn Care. As an organic mulch, cypress mulch has many numerous benefits. Cypress mulch retains moisture in the soil, keeps the soil cool, and insulates plant roots during cold/freezing temperature. Cypress mulch also blocks the growth of weeds, while at the same time helping beautify your yard/garden. Additionally, cypress mulch has many more benefits than other organic mulches.
Cypress mulch consists of pond cypress trees and bald cypress trees. Together both the wood and the bark of both trees are ground to make cypress mulch. It is available as either shredded cypress or cypress chips. Prefered over cypress chips, shredded cypress stays in place much longer than chips and composts faster. A huge benefit of cypress mulch is the low cost compared to other organic mulches. Another reason homeowners prefer shredded cypress is the fact that shredded cypress is less expensive than cypress chips.
As mentioned above, when cypress mulch decomposes it's nutrients are added back into the ground beneath. In this decomposing process, the cypress mulch (shredded or chips) provides nutrients to the ground/soil. Rare but not unheard of are mulches that provide no nutrients to the soil such as rubber mulch, dyed mulch, and compost. Plants benefit from added nutrients, and cypress mulch provides those nutrients. Alternative mulches such as pine needles and pine bark add acid to the soil, lowering the soil’s overall pH. As cypress mulch decomposes it doesn't change the Ph of the soil beneath due to its Ph neutral attributes.
As mentioned in the nutrient section above, some mulches (even organic) can be bad for the soil. For example, both freshly trimmed grass clippings and compost are organic mulches, but aren't beneficial at all the the soil beneath. Neither grass clipping nor compost long term are effective mulches for prevent weeds from growing, while cypress mulch is very effective in its ability to prevent weed growth. Freshly trimmed grass clippings can even contain the seeds from unseen weeds that were growing in the grass, this puts seeds of weeds directly into the soil you are trying to protect from weeds. Don't be confused, organic mulch like trimmed grass or compost is a good way to add nutrients back into the soil but cypress mulch is a better alternative organic mulch. Shredded cypress and cyrpess chips are a good choice when wanting to block weeds, de to there size. Cypress mulch prevents seeds from penetrating deep into the soil and taking root. Cypress mulch smells wonderful and due to that fact deters insects too.
Shredded cypress or cypress chips come with many wonderful benefits as well as being a beautiful ground cover. When compares to rubber mulch, dyed mulch, trimmed grass clippings, or compost cypress mulch is the clear winner. As mentioned in the deterrent section above, cypress mulch smells wonderful. As it decomposes the smell does wear off but not without the added benefit of the nutrients seeping into the soil below. Cypress mulch is a heavy mulch and thus can not be blow nor washed away. For example, the mulch of pine bark mulch is very light in comparison to cypress mulch and during heavy rains has a tendency to float out of the area it was placed in. Due to its heavier nature shredded cypress or cypress chips don't have to be added to your yard as frequently as other organic mulches